60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

The ever addition energy greed/need has forced the scientists to look beyond the conventional sources of energy and innovate something which may prove as the Energy Nirvana. The spiraling consumption of conventional energy has resulted in the gradual degradation of potential of air & water which may prove life threatening for time to come generations. The clarification is to focus on the renewable sources of energy i.e. Green Technologies.

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

There are truly a few commendable progresses while the past 2/3 years in this direction. Most foremost & innovative among them are:

Bloom Box Wireless Electricity

Bloom Box: It is considered as a magical box of the size of a small bread-loaf which will originate adequate power to meet the energy requirement of an American home. The unit doesn't vibrate, emits no sound and no smell. Moreover, it can be scaled up based on your power needs. It can be pumped with bio-fuel, bio-gas to furnish power. It can also be linked to the conventional Power Grid.

The scientist, Dr. K. R. Sridhar, who industrialized this technology, claims that it will be present in every home in coming 5-10 years.

The valid initiate is scheduled on February 24, 2010 at Silicon Valley. Its success will mark the beginning of a new era in energy generation as it may fulfill the much needed energy dreams of the millions remote villages of developing countries throughout the world.

Wireless Electricity: We can transmit sound energy across cities. Can we transmit galvanic Power in a similar fashion i.e. Without wires? The innovation in Wireless Electricity is going to make your home wire free in coming 4/5 years. Think of the day when you don't need a battery or a power cable for your laptop. Witricity Corp. Is foremost the way in this technology of tomorrow. The technology used by WiTricity Corp. Is known as 'Magnetically coupled resonance'.

Specially designed chip like coils will be mounted in your electronic/electrical expedient that will act as capture device. A similar magnetic coil will be inserted into your mains i.e. Ac power. Power will be transmitted from mains & will be captured by the expedient using magnetic near field.

This technology will pave the way for a battery-less world and in turn help in saving the environment from dangerous chemicals released by billions of battery waste, throughout the world. Hats off to a Green Technology.

2 Most Innovative vigor Technologies of Tomorrow

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