60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

create entrance Ways For determined vigor

create entrance Ways For determined vigor

The front entry way of your home could arguably be the most prominent part of your home when it comes to Feng Shui. The main door is where good fortune chi is meant to enter, creating a conferrence place for confident energy for you, your house and visitors. A good color for your front door is red, which attracts food fortune, or black, which attracts wealth.

Once this good chi enters your home you want it to be able to flow throughout your household. Chi can be blocked from bright and entering your home if your entry way is small or if there is a wall directly in front of your door. A explication to this is a mirror. Mirrors can create curves in your entry way that allow chi to flow. They should be placed on whether side of the door; however, avoid mirrors directly in front of the main door because this will reflect away good fortune advent into your home. Statues, chimes, lights and small plants can also be used in the entry way to create curves. Also make sure that your entry way is not blocked by any obstructions because this will not allow chi to enter and it could lead to blockages in your life. To ensure this, do not store whatever behind the front door and make sure no furniture face blocks the front door.

Other ways to make sure your entry ways are full of confident energy is through the use of lighting, plants and artwork. The front door should have enough lighting both inside and outside, which will help attract good chi and allow opportunity to find its way in. Plants can serve the same purpose. Live plants and flowers in entry ways allow possibilities to bloom, so to speak. They also bring strong confident energy. However, it is prominent to keep these plants salutary and if they are to become unhealthy, that they be removed immediately. Art work, whether its paintings or sculptures, can also be confident additions to your entry way. Personal artwork shown in the entry way creates an uplifting vibe and an bright setting. Beware of harsh, sharp art work, though, which isn't as welcoming.

You can decorate your entry way to your heart's content, but keep in mind that this space should remain spacious. You want chi to flow and a cramped, clutter area will not allow that to be possible. Keep this area clean and do not allow this to be the dumping ground for shoes and coats. If coats must be stored in the entry way do so in an organized manner.

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