60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

60 Minutes - The Bloom Box (February 21, 2010)

Bloom energy and Bloom Box Fuel Cells, an Introduction

The Bloom Box is being produced by a enterprise called Bloom Energy. The traditional create of the stock did not of course create electricity but instead produced oxygen. In fact it was designed to produce oxygen so that distant planets could be terraformed and a livable atmosphere produced. More specifically, Mars. However, due to funding cuts the enterprise Ceo had to look into new uses for his invention.

K. R. Sridhar, the enterprise Ceo, has modified the traditional device so that instead of producing oxygen, it now produces clean and garage electricity. This new stock was dubbed the "Bloom Box". A name given to it by Sridhar's child.

Bloom Energy

Bloom Energy has been producing the new stock for at least the past few years but has just recently garnered media attention. The cells are bundled together in larger energy servers. Each one of these servers outputs up to 100kW of power. The cost of each server is currently in the middle of 0,000 to 0,000. These large units are currently in use by multiple fellowships in the United States. This includes Google and eBay. Ebay has publicly stated that its Bloom Energy Server installations have saved the enterprise over 0,000 in 9 months.

Bloom energy and Bloom Box Fuel Cells, an Introduction

Sridhar has stated that he wants to bring the costs of a home sized unit down to ,000 Usd. This would allow individuals or families the opening to spend in a smaller unit to help bring down energy costs.

The fuel cell itself is made of thin sheets of white ceramic that use gaseous hydrocarbons such as oil, gas, or propane to create electricity. The process that these fuel cells go through to produce electricity currently limits the lifespan of the fuel cell to colse to 10 years.

Bloom Energy has not released all documentation on processes that take places during the building of the fuel cell. However, there already appear to be some rivals along with Australia's Ceramic Fuel Cells enterprise and Ballards Power in British Columbia.

Bloom energy and Bloom Box Fuel Cells, an Introduction

The Land of Painted Caves
